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Volksbanken: “Toni owns a bank”


The cooperative idea – from a 2023 perspective.

The cooperative idea of “Volksbanken Raiffeisenbanken” comes from ancient times. From 170 years ago, to be precise.
However, its principles “what one can’t achieve alone, the many can” are more relevant than ever. About time to explain them to a younger audience.

The idea: Let’s refrain vom silverhaired men in tailcoats and monocles, instead student Toni explains to us, why she “kind of owns a bank”.
As she explains, it’s just like sharing a flat and sharing responsibilities and costs. It’s about achieving things together – and every member having exactly one vote!

Outlined to only be an explanation video at first, the video resonated well and later was adapted for cinema and new Social Media episodes.


Job: Idee & Script Team: Felix Boeck, Lutz Plümecke Agency: DDB Berlin