leg day banner.jpg

smart ebike music video

I skip leg day!

smart ebike music video

leg day banner 20zu5.jpg

Never skip leg day! So they say in the meme.

“Half a Hulk, half Ballerina” – the meme Never skip leg day makes fun of wanna-be-bodybuilders with skinny legs. In our music video, however, those guys are the heroes! Because what do you need strong legs for, if you have the smart ebike to support you on your way? We took this simple message and turned it into a song. And this song turned into a Social-Media piece, gone viral! Thanks to fitness-influencers to support us on our way (and hey, it’s 2014 we are speaking of!).



Results: More than 7 Millionen views and 56k shares within 3 weeks. Rank 1 in the “German Viral Charts”. Also: …

Cannes Lions: Bronze (Craft Film)

London International Awards: Gold (Branded Entertainment)

Eurobest: Silver (Craft Film)

ADC Deutschland: 2 x Bronze (Online Film, Promo Video)

The official casefilm:


Job: Creative Direction, shooting & music supervision, casefilm Team: D. Haschtmann, S. Lui, T. Fiebig (Lyrics!) Agency: BBDO Berlin