
Startup: Alrighty Coffee

Daimler Fleetboard:

Thank you!

The three founders and shareholder Manuel Neuer


Footprint down, Impact up!

Making the world of coffee a better place can be so easy. Or at least: sound easy. In fact, there are decades of professional experience behind this startup from Munich, as well as highly specified roasting profiles and a well developed personal network around the globe.

The product: Specialty Coffees with character, even from regions that nearly have been swiped off the coffee landscape.

The mission: hard to summarize in a fair trade logo. True to the motto “in Underdogs we trust”, the coffee is responsibly sourced only (!) from farmers who hardly stand a chance on the global market: Those who are female, young or from Africa.

Die “Underdogs” sind die HeldInnen hinter den Bohnen.

And there’s so much more to talk about. Like the collaboration with the Jane Goodall Institute for example, or the sustianability of the supply chains. And then some. All this was part of my job along the complete website, online shop and packages, including developing the brand’s Tone of Voice. Further: Headlines and copy for events, Social Media, point-of-sale and the roastery in Munich (which you should come and see!). Last but not least: the invention of the “Masspresso-Cup” on the Oktoberfest, which turned out to be the most stolen item in Café Theres.


“Bleib offen für Veränderung. Aber mach den Beutel wieder zu.” (#onpackjokes)

Der meist geklaute Artikel im Café Theres: die Alrighty Masspresso Tasse!


Job: Tone of Voice, Copy für Website & Onlineshop, Headlines, Events, Koops, Packaging Team: Rilana Schnell von Werne, Sebastian Schnell